I did a little research and found these helpful sites about indoor composting in an apartment kitchen:
There's no "need" to buy expensive equipment but, hey, if you're going to have a hobby, it always fun to look at the new gadgets, etc. that are available. After composting with an old container, I did buy a fancy, composting bin with filter. It hasn't done much for the composting process but I think it might cut down on the odor.
I decided to compost only uncooked, kitchen waste, only plant matter, no dairy or animal products (except egg shells). I use shredded newspaper (black-and-white), flowers/plants, dryer lint to soak up liquid. Although Alisa was lobbying for vermicomposting, I really don't want to bring in and deal with squiggly creatures.
However, after one-and-a-half weeks, I see that the composting process will take some time.
If you are also composting, please share your tips and lessons learned. I'll check back in a couple of weeks with another progress report.
Peaceful Recycling Warrior