Sunday, September 2, 2012

Along the road to Ballyliffin

The narrow two-lane highways around Ireland are only scary when winding around a curve at fast speeds with an on-coming truck coming the other way at an equally fast if not faster speed. Sometimes negotiating a harrowing turn-about (traffic circle) one finds oneself on an efficient four-lane. Nevertheless, it's a treat to wind through the picturesque countryside with its patchwork quilt of farmlands and cute homes linked together with stonewalls.

Along the way, we came across a scenic outlook of Loch Key with its own scenic highlight, a sculpture of a majestic Gaelic Chieftain.

William Butler Yeats is buried at Drumcliffe at St. Columba church.

 Then north all the way to the northern part of Donegal to Ballyliffin.

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