However, for this trip, I'm so far behind in journaling but here are some impressions.

Maybe that's why the women we met in Panama are so surly -- they think that all the best men have left their country! Well, that's not true. The men we have encountered here are very nice, warm, friendly, helpful, etc.
We arrived to check in at the hotel a little after midnight. The clerk wants to charge us for three nights if we stay two nights because we arrived after midnight. What!!?! But, she will only charge us for one night if we leave by 3 pm. It doesn't make sense but we gladly decide that one night is enough at the Hotel Parador.
Anyway the food is good. Vegetarians can do fine in Panama even if the restaurant claims not to be able to have vegetarian food. We enjoy the rice, beans, picante sauce, veggies, fruit, etc.

We were able to get a double room at a hostel for the second night. This is great because the van will pick us up here early tomorrow to take us to San Blas.
I couldn't help getting taken in by the travel talk by the wizened backpackers at the hostel. There was a fellow who had just made the reverse trip (from San Blas to Panama City) and he was full of horror stories -- slogging over unpaved roads in the rain, having to get out and push the van up the muddy hills, etc. I can't wait. As we crowd into the old truck, I'm not sure that the other women in flimsy flipflops or some of the unbuff men are going to be much help.

Kuna Yala (San Blas) is an autonomous territory on the northeast coast of Panama. It consists of a narrow slice of land on the coast and about 350 islands -- most of which are uninhabited. How civilized! The Kuna people wanted to have their own government and so they do. The Panamanian (and the US) navy does not dare encroach their boundaries.
We'll be entering the world without an Internet connection, no newspapers, radios, etc. We're out of touch on what's going on at the Democratic National Convention. But, the Kuna people don't appear to be any the worse for it. I think we'll survive very well also.
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