Chile is beautiful with a nice, casual feeling. We enjoy a nice breakfast and plot a course to our next destination. We make our way to Villarrica with a majestic volcano dominating the skyline. It´s a cute town with artisan markets. Alisa and Nate pick up a most delicious watermelon (click on the photo to see Alisa).

But, first we gawk at the mountain, enjoy the vistas from the lake shore. Alisa and Nate try the famous compleatos (can they put anything more on that frankfurter?!! avocado, mayo, mustard, catsup, cheese, etc.). Alisa and I try the refreshing mote.

After a good night´s sleep, we take a long, scenic ride home. We´re now pros at border crossings and we make it through both borders quite smoothly. They are somehow able to find a place to stamp in Alisa´s crowded passport. The map promises a Camino Gravel (unpaved road). A computerized translation (or a bored translator with a sense of humor) translated it to English literally as I walk rubble. It is a dusty ride but the scenic vistas are rewarding. We become picky about which spectacular scene to stop and document.
We pull into Bariloche with plans for making a dinner of garlic bread, stuffed squash and quinoa. We attack the first two with such gusto, there´s no room for the quinoa.
Alas, just one more night in Bariloche for me and then on to Buenos Aires.
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