Underdevelopment is not a step towards development, but the historic consequence from foreign development. -Eduardo Galeano
There are many cliches which become overused because of their fundamental truth. We shouldn't dismiss them. Other cliches become accepted truths but have their basis in human frailties. We don't have to accept them either. We can stive to be better.
So much hope was generated when we elected a President who was a student of history. Might we as a nation learn not to repeat the errors of the past? No, alas, we are human BUT we don't have to accept that as a reason not to work for improvement.
Let us continue to speak up, demonstrate, work for change. We each can make a difference. It is not disloyal to disagree with those whom we worked so hard to put into office.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Holiday Cookies
This year I got an early start on holiday cookie baking by attending Yvonne & Dan’s cookie bake day. We all arrived at their apartment bearing our assigned ingredients. Everything was well-organized and we quickly got to work with assembly-line efficiency.
At the end, we all came home with a sampling of a dazzling array of treats: Schokoladenküsse, Vanille Kipferl, Königsberger, Orangen Taler, Engelsaugen, Marzipan Brote, Almendrados, Aprikosen Mandel Wolken.
Thanks, Yvonne & Dan, for inspiring me to reach to new heights as I plan for my holiday cookie making!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Obon 2009
There's nothing like death to make one appreciate life. And, maybe it's all just as simple as that. As life throws difficult challenges at us, we need only consider the alternative.
So, why not celebrate those came and went before us, remembering their lives? And, here I am doing just that at the Obon Festival in Bryant Park. Obon is an annual Japanese Buddhist tradition that takes on the character of the locale. Here in NYC it takes place on the second Sunday in July and just like the City, anything and everything goes. What a wonderful crazy quilt experience!
Obon season is kicked off by two weeks of "practice." Again, a mishmash of the City -- the old and young, the very experienced and the novices, and a lot of in-betweens. Without practice, the Obon would be over in a flash.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Now this is what sailing is all about

Finally, the clouds parted for the weekend and left NYC in a glorious state for the Fourth of July weekend. Thank you, Carole, for getting us on the crew of America II.
The winds were perfect and with Carole at the helm, we quickly made it out to the Verrazano Bridge.

I was assigned to grind on the starboard side. The winds were light so trimming the sails was relatively easy.

What a beautiful way to spend the holiday weekend in NYC!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The good, the bad, the ugly, and the very lovely
OK, there are already Facebook groups testifying to horror stories involving Buenos Aires taxi drivers, so I won't go into a rant about that.
But, first it's time to say good-bye to Bariloche, Alisa and Nate. After spending another day in Bariloche checking out the nooks and crannies I missed before, we hop on a bus to the airport. Alisa knows not to draw out long good-byes with me and they hop on the return bus back to Bariloche.
The check-in clerk takes advantage of my distracted mind and starts telling me I need to have an Argentinean passport because I am flying on a discounted ticket. I regain my wits about me and explain that I booked my tickets over the Internet and that there was no problem when I flew from BA to Bariloche. After a little drama (because my Spanish is pretty rudimentary) and intervention by his supervisor, my ticket and US passport are accepted but he needs to regain the upper hand so he decides that I can't carry on my roll-on bag even after I show that it's half-empty and can squish down. Oh, well, not a problem. I'm experienced at traveling with checked baggage now.
It's a packed flight with lot of cranky tots. Argentinean parents seem to have a high threshhold for letting their children wail on.
The Buenos Aires taxi driver decides to take me for a winding ride even though the B&B is just a short hop from the airport. When the meter starts going too high, I let him know in my very basic Spanish that the "official" at the airport told me that the ride would be less than 30 pesos. The driver said I must have misunderstood. No, no, I said. I understood very well confidently though I sound like a gringa. I can see on the map (as I waved the map to him) how close the hostel is from the airport. I didn't tell him that I'm inept at reading maps and, besides, the map I was waving was from Bariloche.
But, he got the picture anyway and we finally pull up to the hostel. He even knocked off a few pesos from fare after a little shouting match. I need to learn a few curses from Alisa (I don't think my calling him liar and a thief was very intimidating since I can't even roll my r's dramatically).
But, the little Bed & Breakfast is very cute. Even though it's in a relatively quiet part of town there are still the ubiquitous yapping guard dogs whose effectiveness is questionable since they bark constantly. But, I'm able to block it out partially with my NY-subway ear plugs.
I still manage to wake up early, grab some breakfast and start wandering around the Palermo section of BA. Palermo is very slow to wake up on Sunday mornings but it's a quaint section of town.
I seek out the Japanese garden and my camera doesn't stop. Each scene is prettier than the next.

Once Palermo wakes up, it has many Sunday crafts markets around each of its many squares, parks and traffic circles. There are lots of places to explore and get lost for this map-challenged reader.
But, alas, the day comes to an end and it's time to hop in another taxi. This time I decide I better take a fixed-price taxi and he even discounts the fare because neither of us had small change.
The Delta airlines check-in clerk hassles me because my passport doesn't have a stamp showing that I left Argentina even though there are other stamps showing that I entered Chile, left Chile and re-entered Argentina. So, I have to go to Immigration and plead my case. Just a tiresome bureaucracy but it gets done in time for me to trade in my left-over pesos for four bottles of Argentinean wine after the duty-free sales guy tells me that I can bring 6 bottles into the US duty free.
It's a packed flight with lots of babies, children and happy tour groups. But, eventually, everyone settles in for a long, overnight journey home.
The US Customs guy stops me and doesn't believe it when I told him that I didn't know that there was a one-bottle limit. Anyway, he rolls his eyes at me and waves me through telling me to stop playing innocent. Just as I start to protest (why would I lie?!!) then I get it -- he must hear that all the time.
Hmmm, will my illegal wine taste just a little better? Anyway, it's great to be back home where I am able to navigate without reading a map.
Thanks, Alisa and Nate, for sharing a wonderful slice of your life there with me!

The check-in clerk takes advantage of my distracted mind and starts telling me I need to have an Argentinean passport because I am flying on a discounted ticket. I regain my wits about me and explain that I booked my tickets over the Internet and that there was no problem when I flew from BA to Bariloche. After a little drama (because my Spanish is pretty rudimentary) and intervention by his supervisor, my ticket and US passport are accepted but he needs to regain the upper hand so he decides that I can't carry on my roll-on bag even after I show that it's half-empty and can squish down. Oh, well, not a problem. I'm experienced at traveling with checked baggage now.
It's a packed flight with lot of cranky tots. Argentinean parents seem to have a high threshhold for letting their children wail on.
The Buenos Aires taxi driver decides to take me for a winding ride even though the B&B is just a short hop from the airport. When the meter starts going too high, I let him know in my very basic Spanish that the "official" at the airport told me that the ride would be less than 30 pesos. The driver said I must have misunderstood. No, no, I said. I understood very well confidently though I sound like a gringa. I can see on the map (as I waved the map to him) how close the hostel is from the airport. I didn't tell him that I'm inept at reading maps and, besides, the map I was waving was from Bariloche.
But, he got the picture anyway and we finally pull up to the hostel. He even knocked off a few pesos from fare after a little shouting match. I need to learn a few curses from Alisa (I don't think my calling him liar and a thief was very intimidating since I can't even roll my r's dramatically).
But, the little Bed & Breakfast is very cute. Even though it's in a relatively quiet part of town there are still the ubiquitous yapping guard dogs whose effectiveness is questionable since they bark constantly. But, I'm able to block it out partially with my NY-subway ear plugs.

I seek out the Japanese garden and my camera doesn't stop. Each scene is prettier than the next.

Once Palermo wakes up, it has many Sunday crafts markets around each of its many squares, parks and traffic circles. There are lots of places to explore and get lost for this map-challenged reader.
But, alas, the day comes to an end and it's time to hop in another taxi. This time I decide I better take a fixed-price taxi and he even discounts the fare because neither of us had small change.
The Delta airlines check-in clerk hassles me because my passport doesn't have a stamp showing that I left Argentina even though there are other stamps showing that I entered Chile, left Chile and re-entered Argentina. So, I have to go to Immigration and plead my case. Just a tiresome bureaucracy but it gets done in time for me to trade in my left-over pesos for four bottles of Argentinean wine after the duty-free sales guy tells me that I can bring 6 bottles into the US duty free.
It's a packed flight with lots of babies, children and happy tour groups. But, eventually, everyone settles in for a long, overnight journey home.
The US Customs guy stops me and doesn't believe it when I told him that I didn't know that there was a one-bottle limit. Anyway, he rolls his eyes at me and waves me through telling me to stop playing innocent. Just as I start to protest (why would I lie?!!) then I get it -- he must hear that all the time.
Hmmm, will my illegal wine taste just a little better? Anyway, it's great to be back home where I am able to navigate without reading a map.
Thanks, Alisa and Nate, for sharing a wonderful slice of your life there with me!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I walk rubble (Camino Gravel)

We pull into Bariloche with plans for making a dinner of garlic bread, stuffed squash and quinoa. We attack the first two with such gusto, there´s no room for the quinoa.
Alas, just one more night in Bariloche for me and then on to Buenos Aires.
Chile sin carne (without meat)

It´s a long drive (thanks, Nate, for chauffering) and we keep nourished with peanut butter sandwiches and alfajores (cookies).

We sleep well after a long day and a hearty meal sin carne.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
To market to market

After a nice dinner of quesadillas, homemade salsa and guacamole from veggies bought at the market two doors down from Alisa and Nate´s apartment, we make plans to visit El Bolson where there is an artisans´market on Tuesdays.

For dinner, we made delicious empanadas and a hearty soup.
On Wednesday, we're off to Chile.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Beautiful Bariloche
Eleven hours and this has to be the quietest plane ride that I've ever had. No routy tour groups. No fussy toddlers. No cranky babies.
Just as I doze off for my night's slumber on the way from NY to Buenos Aires, I hear an announcement that there is an electrical problem on the aircraft.
Too late for me to process that info, I'm nearly in dreamland. But, wait, my conscious self fights back -- isn't an electrical problem something we don't want on an airplane? !! But, sleep wins over rational thought. I'm out like a lamp.
When I do awake after a deep sleep, it's still eerily quiet. I soon discover the consequences of the "electrical problem" on the aircraft -- no cabin lights. So, all the books that I lugged on board for the long flight will remain unopened, the Sudoku and crossword puzzles will remain unsolved. Just lots of time to contemplate the quiet.
I arrive in BA early. I had allowed plenty of time to transfer to the domestic airport. So, I ignore the advice that I had been given to take a taxi and decide to venture there via bus. I get through customs in a breeze, am able to make myself understood well enough to get to an ATM and purchase my bus ticket to Newbery airport.
I still have an hour-and-half wait for the next bus. This gives me time enough to finish Dreams from my Father. I get so engrossed in President Obama's narrative of his trip to Kenya. So engrossed that when someone stops to chat I forget where I am. At first, I don't understand. Oh, wait, he's speaking Spanish. I'm not in Africa. I can understand.
The flight to Bariloche was also packed but this time with lots of active kiddies and cute babies. No matter; it's just a two-hour hop. And, as soon as I get to the baggage area, I see Alisa and Nate through the glass partition. How wonderful! How happy I am to be here with them.
We have a short taxi ride to Bariloche, then hop on a bus for a walk home (thanks, Nate and Alisa for carrying my bags), terrific homemade pizza dinner (oops, I forgot to take photos), and then a nice night's sleep.
I'll post photos later. It's just great to be here.
Perfectly Rested Well-fed
Just as I doze off for my night's slumber on the way from NY to Buenos Aires, I hear an announcement that there is an electrical problem on the aircraft.
Too late for me to process that info, I'm nearly in dreamland. But, wait, my conscious self fights back -- isn't an electrical problem something we don't want on an airplane? !! But, sleep wins over rational thought. I'm out like a lamp.
When I do awake after a deep sleep, it's still eerily quiet. I soon discover the consequences of the "electrical problem" on the aircraft -- no cabin lights. So, all the books that I lugged on board for the long flight will remain unopened, the Sudoku and crossword puzzles will remain unsolved. Just lots of time to contemplate the quiet.
I arrive in BA early. I had allowed plenty of time to transfer to the domestic airport. So, I ignore the advice that I had been given to take a taxi and decide to venture there via bus. I get through customs in a breeze, am able to make myself understood well enough to get to an ATM and purchase my bus ticket to Newbery airport.
I still have an hour-and-half wait for the next bus. This gives me time enough to finish Dreams from my Father. I get so engrossed in President Obama's narrative of his trip to Kenya. So engrossed that when someone stops to chat I forget where I am. At first, I don't understand. Oh, wait, he's speaking Spanish. I'm not in Africa. I can understand.

We have a short taxi ride to Bariloche, then hop on a bus for a walk home (thanks, Nate and Alisa for carrying my bags), terrific homemade pizza dinner (oops, I forgot to take photos), and then a nice night's sleep.
I'll post photos later. It's just great to be here.
Perfectly Rested Well-fed
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane...
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go...
OK, here it is -- I'm a bit clueless about Argentina. When I tell people I'm going to Argentina, everyone seems to have a thought to share -- great tango, the best gelato, spectacular scenery, the charming and/or insufferable Buenos Aireans, the excellent exchange rate, wine, leather products, etc.
But, the truth is, I'm really just not that into Argentina. I am very much into going to visit Alisa and Nate. Of course, I'm not complaining about having to go to Argentina. And, I'm very excited to be able to experience the wonderful things there.
Anyway, I have an 11-hour flight ahead of me to read my guide book and get really psyched about all that I'm about to see. No need for me to get psyched about this trip, however. I'm there already.
So, dreaming about the days to come ...
OK, here it is -- I'm a bit clueless about Argentina. When I tell people I'm going to Argentina, everyone seems to have a thought to share -- great tango, the best gelato, spectacular scenery, the charming and/or insufferable Buenos Aireans, the excellent exchange rate, wine, leather products, etc.
But, the truth is, I'm really just not that into Argentina. I am very much into going to visit Alisa and Nate. Of course, I'm not complaining about having to go to Argentina. And, I'm very excited to be able to experience the wonderful things there.
Anyway, I have an 11-hour flight ahead of me to read my guide book and get really psyched about all that I'm about to see. No need for me to get psyched about this trip, however. I'm there already.
So, dreaming about the days to come ...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Traveling cognito
To quote our First Lady, "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I'm Really Proud of My Country."
It's been hard traveling to other parts of the world over the past eight years, feeling the need to apologize for the president, for the US electorate for voting in such a president, for the embarassing US policies enacted by right-wing elected officials and administration, etc. Actually, there was a brief window after 9/11, when there was such goodwill toward the US, but how quickly that was squandered.
It was generally easy for me, and such a cop out, to pretend that I wasn't an American. People could look at me and make whatever assumptions they wanted and I didn't bother to set them straight. But, sometimes people knew I really was from the US. Thank goodness, people outside of the US are able to distinguish a country's citizens from its policies.
Now, change has come! I don't have to travel incognito; ergo sum!
It's been hard traveling to other parts of the world over the past eight years, feeling the need to apologize for the president, for the US electorate for voting in such a president, for the embarassing US policies enacted by right-wing elected officials and administration, etc. Actually, there was a brief window after 9/11, when there was such goodwill toward the US, but how quickly that was squandered.
It was generally easy for me, and such a cop out, to pretend that I wasn't an American. People could look at me and make whatever assumptions they wanted and I didn't bother to set them straight. But, sometimes people knew I really was from the US. Thank goodness, people outside of the US are able to distinguish a country's citizens from its policies.
Now, change has come! I don't have to travel incognito; ergo sum!
May peace come to troubled areas (the audacity of hope is so liberating)
PRW (Proud Re-energized Wicked)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Don’t Cry for Me Argentina
…All through my wild days/My mad existence…
No, I’m not practicing to play Evita on Broadway but I am getting ready to dust off my backpack and hit the road again. I can’t wait to visit Alisa and Nate in Patagonia. Their photos are incredible and I’m excited to have the opportunity to see them and to check out the countryside. And, hey, a little summer weather after a few more weeks of NY winter won’t be too big a hardship.
Thank you, Alisa, for the invitation and to her wonderful, supportive boss who is giving her some time off during my visit. Medical alert to doctors in Argentina/Chile: do not take any time off. There’s always the potential for danger when Alisa and I are traveling together.
In the meantime, I’m plowing my way through a 750-page Che biography – don’t cry for me, (I’m going to) Argentina.
No, I’m not practicing to play Evita on Broadway but I am getting ready to dust off my backpack and hit the road again. I can’t wait to visit Alisa and Nate in Patagonia. Their photos are incredible and I’m excited to have the opportunity to see them and to check out the countryside. And, hey, a little summer weather after a few more weeks of NY winter won’t be too big a hardship.
Thank you, Alisa, for the invitation and to her wonderful, supportive boss who is giving her some time off during my visit. Medical alert to doctors in Argentina/Chile: do not take any time off. There’s always the potential for danger when Alisa and I are traveling together.
In the meantime, I’m plowing my way through a 750-page Che biography – don’t cry for me, (I’m going to) Argentina.
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